Wednesday, June 26, 2024
HomeTerms of Use

Acceptance of Agreement
Your access to and utilization of our website signifies your acknowledgment and consent to be bound by the provisions and conditions expounded in this agreement. If you object to any portion of these terms and conditions, we kindly urge you not to employ our website.

Website Usage
You pledge to employ the website exclusively for lawful purposes, ensuring that your actions do not infringe upon the rights of others or impede their access to and enjoyment of the website.

Intellectual Property Rights
The comprehensive intellectual property rights pertaining to the website and its content (comprising, but not limited to, text, graphics, software, photographs, and other images) are vested in us and/or our licensors. In the absence of explicit rights conferred under these terms, you are prohibited from copying or employing any website content for commercial purposes.

Third-Party Links
Our website might include links to external sites provided by third parties. These links are supplied for your convenience exclusively, and we neither administer nor bear responsibility for the content or privacy policies of such sites.

Limitation of Liability
We absolve ourselves of responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages that may result from your use of the website, even if we have been forewarned of the potential for such damages.

Changes to Terms and Conditions
We retain the prerogative to amend these terms and conditions at any juncture through revisions to this page. You are expected to periodically review this page to take cognizance of any alterations we have made.

Applicable Jurisdiction
These terms and conditions are subject to the legal framework of the jurisdiction where our company is headquartered. Any disputes arising from or related to these terms and conditions shall be adjudicated exclusively in the courts of that jurisdiction.